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    Go Forth and Conquer

    Originally Posted: 11/3/2013 10:39 PM  

    When I started this year, one of my goals was to pay it forward. You can read all about my many escapades in my prior blog entries, but one of the roles I was really excited about was being the VP of Education for the Consulting Club. I had an amazing time at Accenture over the summer and am excited to be joining Bain & Company full-time after graduation. Both my summer and my new career were possible because when I was a first year, my 2nd years taught me so much.

    Today (Sunday) marked the last official meeting of the club for this year. We’ll still have some things running in the background, but in terms of actual meetings, it’s over. Wow. Those weeks flew by. It is a big deal in so many ways.

    First, it means that things are getting real for the class of 2015. We’ve been getting great feedback from firms on the overall performance of the class and, for that, we couldn’t be happier. And now, after all those weeks learning, the class of 2015 is on the home stretch. I bet even they don’t realize they’ll mostly be done interviewing within 3 months, but they will and I know they’ll be ready.

    Second, it means that I get my Sundays back :-). My co-VP and I run about 75%+ of the meetings since people are there to learn and we are there to teach. That means we were there every Sunday (and all the planning that went in before that) for the entire semester so far. It’ll be good to reclaim that time. There’s football to watch!

    Finally, it’s a big deal because it’s the beginning of the end for me. As involved as I have been this semester, elections are coming. 1st year students will be running for leadership positions and taking over roles and responsibilities of not just the consulting club, but other roles as well. As with any good institution, things at Johnson are built to be passed on. I’m excited to see the platforms of the next group. Excited to see where the club will go next. Excited to know that I’ll likely be back recruiting the product of their teaching next year. Still, it’s not without a bit of sadness that I turn over my role to the next class. It’s a lot of work, but it sure is rewarding.

    To the class of 2015 – you are going to do great. I know we’ll be doing lots of cases together before interviews start, but all of you should be proud of your accomplishments so far. Go forth and conquer.

    Part of a series of my re-postings of my blog for the “Life @ Johnson” section of the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University MBA program website.

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