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    Beginnings and Endings

    Originally Posted: 6/6/2013 12:36 PM  

    As with any exciting adventure, time goes by quickly when you’re having fun. Curiously, I found my first year at Johnson to go by extremely fast as well as very slowly. When you’re in the middle of it, you can’t believe there is so much left to do before the quarter or semester ends. But sometimes, even if for a brief moment while having a beer with friends, you realize that you’ve actually accomplished a lot. That time has gone quite quickly and the road ahead is relatively short.

    Year one ended about as you would expect. A flurry of projects to be completed, both individual and group, as well as finals to study for. It was a little reminiscent of first semester in that school became all consuming for a stretch. Social functions dropped off and preparation for next year’s club activities and events took a back seat. Actually, if I’m honest, it probably still wasn’t as much work as first semester was. But after the fresh air of winter break and a lighter load 2nd semester it sure seemed like it!

    After courses finished up I took time to visit family and take a vacation. It was a good time to recharge before my internship with Accenture (Strategy – Chicago), which I start in a few days. I already have my orientation schedule and it appears days will be packed with wonderful learning opportunities and fun events to get to know my intern class.

    That’s all for now, but here’s a secret for you: as amazing as the last 10 months have been, I fully expect the next 12 to be even better.

    Congrats to the incoming class on your successful admission to a fantastic school. To those looking for next year, good luck!

    Part of a series of my re-postings of my blog for the “Life @ Johnson” section of the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University MBA program website.

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